Middle Land, Middle Way

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A Pilgrim's Guide to the Buddha's India
By Venerable Dhammika
A guide book for the Buddhist pilgrimage in India. Maps, color photographs and suggestions of how to get to the various sites related to the life of the Buddha, make this an essential travel companion for the pilgrim as well as the general traveler in India.
Published by: Buddhist Publication Society
Publication Date: 1991

The Edicts of King Asoka

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By Venerable Dhammika
King Asoka, the third monarch in the Indian Mauryan dynasty, has come to be regarded as one of the most exemplary rulers in world history. Though historical evidence was long missing, his name was preserved in legend as a great emporer who ruthlessly united all of India under one rule and then, after he began to practice Dhamma, reversed directions to establish an ideal reign of virtuous action. In the nineteenth century a large number of edicts carved on rocks and stone pillars were discovered in the subcontinent of India. They not only proved Asoka's existence but showed that he attempted to rule his vast kingdom by means of Dhamma. This translation of Asoka’s edicts gives us insight into this remarkable period of history when a great empire was devoted primarily to the moral and spiritual welfare of its subjects.
Published by: Buddhist Publication Society
Publication Date: 1990

Indian Buddhism

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By A.K. Warder
This book is a must for the specialist or the student inquiring into the development of the early schools of Buddhism in India. Prof. Warder draws on all available original sources in various languages to try to reconstruct the "original" teachings that were presupposed by the different schools known to scholars. He then traces the development of the "Eighteen Schools" of early Buddhism and describes how the Mahayana movement, the way of the Bodhisattva, developed from and relates to the early schools.
Though the primary aim is to present and clarify the doctrines, philosophocal or religious, each phase of Buddhism up to the present is set against its historical background.
Published by: Motilal Banarsidas
Publication Date: January 2000

A Reappraisal of Patanjali's Yoga-Sutra

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In the light of the Buddha’s Teaching
By S.N. Tandon

Siddhartha Gotama the Buddha, who lived in the 6th century B.C., preceded Patanjali by a few centuries. While Patanjali, the author of the Yoga-Sutras, could draw upon the oral as well as the living tradition of the Buddha's teaching, which were extant in his time, his commentators and sub-commentators remained ignorant of both. This fact itself seems to have resulted in inadequate — and, at times, uncalled for — interpretations being offered by these commentators while explaining the Yoga-Sutras. The flaw can be rectified by attempting a re-appraisal of the Yoga-Sutras in the light of the Buddha's teaching as enshrined in the Pali Canon.
 --from the Preface, by S.N. Tandon
Pali and Sanskrit in both Roman and Devanagari scripts; Yoga-Sutra text included; extensive footnotes; bibliography.
Published by: Vipassana Research Institute
Publication Date: 1998