Insights from an Ancient Tradition, Medicine, Science, Spirituality/Vipassana Meditation

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Addresses by S.N. Goenka and four others to the second "Insights From an Ancient Tradition" conference, held at the Vipassana Meditation Center (Dhamma Dhara) in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, USA, September 3 - 4, 2000.

The conference followed a ten-day Vipassana retreat. It was designed so that participants could explore at the intellectual level what they had experienced while meditating. The four presenters at the conference are all Vipassana meditators who live engaged professional lives and who serve as assistants or teachers of Vipassana, appointed by Mr. Goenka. The revered Teacher of Vipassana, who was visiting America for the first time in nine years, had just completed his participation in the Millenium Peace Summit at the United Nations.

COMPLETE PROCEEDINGS / 6 CDs (includes questions and answers)
Spiritual Emotions—Paul R Fleischman, M.D. (79:00; Q&A 28:04)
Practical Spirituality—The Art and Science of Vipassana —Lemay Henderson, M.D. (60:57; Q&A 19:01)
Loka: The Buddha's Formulation of the Universe—Richard Crutcher (53:00; Q&A 18:57)
Science, Objectivity and Vipassana—Peter Kerr, Ph.D. (49:24; Q&A 18:59)
Concluding lecture by S.N. Goenka: The Science of Mind and Matter (35:03; Q&A 14:46)
Six Audio CDs

Published by: Pariyatti Audio Editions
Publication Date:   2001

Timeless Mountain, Ceaseless Change

Dr P. Fleischman

Journey through the ancient mountains of Newfoundland to the timeless practice of Vipassana meditation. In this public talk given at Antioch University, Seattle, Dr. Fleischman links these topics and imbues them with the significance of time and change. Includes a lively question and answer session with the audience. Recorded in 1998. About 100 minutes in length. Also available on cassette.

Published by: Pariyatti Audio Editions
Publication Date:   2004

The Art of Living

The art of living CD
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Vipassana Meditation as Taught by S.N. Goenka

4 CD set

By William Hart

Vipassana meditation is a simple, practical technique for achieving inner peace and leading to a happy, productive life. Without any dogma, it shows how to experience the truths of which the Buddha spoke.

S.N. Goenka is one of the foremost lay Vipassana teachers of our time. This study of his teaching was prepared under his guidance and with his approval. It was first published in book form in 1987 by Harper and Row (now HarperCollins). In this audio CD version, each chapter is read by the author, and following it is a story told by S.N. Goenka himself, taken directly from the talks he gives during a Vipassana course.

This is not a teach-yourself course for practicing Vipassana. Instead, it offers the listener a vivid picture of what it is like to practice Vipassana and what the technique can achieve. 4 CDs, comprising 5 hours.

Also available in audiotape and paperback.

Published by: Pariyatti Audio Editions
Publication Date:   2004

1-hour Group Sitting (Silent) CD

Recorded by S.N. Goenka at Dhamma Salila

Available in cassette tape also.

This CD is intended for students who have completed a 10-day Vipassana Course. Its purpose is to assist students at home in their daily sitting.

It starts with Chanting and Instruction at the begining but then there is 50mins silence before the end chanting and metta at the end.

Published by Vipassana Research Publications

1-hour Group Sitting (continuous) CD

Recorded by S.N. Goenka at Dhamma Salila

Available in cassette tape also.

This tape is intended for students who have completed a 10-day Vipassana Course. Its purpose is to assist students at home in their daily sitting.

It starts with Chanting and Instruction and has little reminders to maintain awareness throughout, then more chanting and metta at the end.

Published by Vipassana Research Publications

Morning Chantings (5 CDs)

5 CD set

As chanted by S.N.Goenka during a ten-day course.

Available in cassette tapes also.

Morning Chantings (1 CD)

As chanted by S.N.Goenka during a ten-day course. 

Available in cassette tapes also.

3 Day Course Discourses by S N Goenka (3 CDs)

3 CD set

From a 3-day Vipassana course. (English)


1 cd

Chanting by Sayagyi U Ba Khin

Tikapatthana (long)

2 cd. set

Chanting by S.N.Goenka

Satipattana Course (8 cd's)

English Discourses

Set of Discourses Day 1 to 8.
